The Early Childhood Family Education PTA is holding a Sock Hop fundraiser on Saturday, April 21, from 6-8 p.m. at Goodview School. The Sock Hop will include a variety of dance music for pre-K kids and their older siblings--plus dance lights, refreshments, a cake walk, and a silent auction. Admission is $3 per person or $12 per family at the door. All proceeds will support the many activities of the ECFE PTA. This year the ECFE PTA has helped to organize a literacy fair as well as sponsoring infant CPR training, a presentation on nutrition for small children, the Winona Area Family Events Calendar, Gym Nights, as well as other activities promoting strong families.
Please help to spread the word to your group or organization. For more information or for flyers to distribute, please call ECFE at 494-0913.