Monday, November 26, 2007

Sleep May Affect Postpartem Weight Loss

A new study finds that sleep, as elusive as it may be, may play an important role in helping women lose weight after the birth of a baby, according to MedPage Today:
OAKLAND, Calif., Nov. 21 -- Women deprived of only a couple hours of sleep a night after the birth of a child may find it more difficult even a year later to lose weight gained during pregnancy.

New mothers who slept five hours or less per day when their babies were six months old were three times more likely to have retained at least 11 pounds at one year than those who slept seven hours per day, showed results of a large cohort study published in the November issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology.
The story cautions that "the study was not designed to show whether increasing sleep duration after the birth of a child would help women lose weight." Read the whole story at MedPage Today.

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