Tuesday, December 4, 2007

WCDCPA Training This Saturday!

What Makes Them Tick?      Sat Dec 8th  9-11am @ Timber’s

Do you often wonder how two children can be so different?  Are some of the children in your care easy going, while others are stubborn and strong-willed?  Is one child’s insistence at having her clothing “just so” driving you over the edge?  Do you have some children who thrive on routine and others  who live for adventure?  There are many factors that shape a child’s personality, and this class, based largely on research by parenting expert Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, will look at a few of those, including in-born temperament, characteristics of introverts and extraverts, and provide ideas for accommodating those unique in-born aspects of a child’s personality.  We will also spend a few minutes examining your personality type, and how that can shape your relationships with your children, as well.

Call Carolyn Goree to sign up at 458-0015

Come early for the Breakfast buffet -at your cost-

$10 for non-members and as always FREE to members


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This site is for you if you're a parent, grandparent, professional, or community member who wants to support Winona's youngest citizens--kids ages 0-5.