Monday, March 3, 2008

Early Childhood Family Education

                                                             Early Childhood Family Education

Chris Overhaug, Coordinator
5100 W 9th Street, Winona MN
507-494-0913 (office)

Scroll down for Term 4 ECFE registration deadline and class listings.

What is ECFE?
*ECFE is a Winona Area Public Schools, Community Education program for all families    
  with children from birth up to kindergarten.
*ECFE offers weekly classes and special events for parents and their children.
*ECFE is a fun place to learn and play in an informal setting and to meet other parents
  and children.

What are ECFE classes like?
*All classes begin with parent child activities where parents and children play together in
  the early childhood room.
*Parents move to the parent room, facilitated by a licensed parent educator where they
  will meet other parents, ask questions and share parenting ideas. Children play in the
  early childhood room guided by a licensed early childhood teacher. They will make new
  friends and enjoy art activities, music, gym time and snack.
*In baby and toddler classes, parents do not separate from their children. The baby group
  is held in the parent education room and the toddler group is held in the early childhood

ECFE Welcomes ALL Families!
The Mission of ECFE is to educate, empower, and support all families by supporting parents as their child's first teacher, by offering information about child development and parenting techniques, and by giving children opportunities to discover and learn.

ECFE Foundation Fund
The ECFE PTA has established a foundation fund in honor of our retired teachers who have worked so selflessly to support the mission of ECFE and by doing so have so positively impacted the lives of the families and children who attend our programs.
Donations to the ECFE Foundation will be used to expand and support the number of classes and programs offered by ECFE. Offset program expenditures such as playground equipment and classroom supplies. Support special projects and events. Support children and families in need.
If you are looking for a way to contribute to the mission of ECFE please consider a donation to the ECFE Foundation Fund.
The ECFE staff (both past and present) and the ECFE PTA Thank You!

If you are ready to begin to teach your child to successfully separate from you, ECFE is just the place to learn.  Our teaching staff and support staff believe that separation is one of your child's important developmental milestones.  We are happy to work with you and your child on a gentle plan to work towards a calm, comfortable experience where you separate from your child in a supportive atmosphere.  For some children, separation is not an issue, for others, transitioning to a separate experience from their parent is a long and sometimes rocky road.  ECFE is committed to supporting families in this developmental journey by offering separating and non separating classes and working with your child to meet his or her own emotional needs.  Kindness, consistency and routine are all ingredients to a separation philosophy that we have been teaching families for more than 30 years.  Are you ready? The following ECFE classes provide just the right atmosphere for you and your child to master this important developmental milestone.

Registration Deadline:
Term 4 Thursday, March 20, 2008 by Noon
Confirmation cards will be mailed the following week with classes starting on Tuesday, April 1, 2008 for Term 4. If you miss our random draw deadline, you can call for availability of remaining classes at (507) 494-0913. Confirmation cards will only be sent to those who register by the random draw deadline.

Welcome to the spring session at ECFE!
Our staff and PTA are happy to offer many exciting classes and events for you to choose from. We hope that you and your family will get out and enjoy the season with ECFE!
        As we end the 2007-2008 school year please join us for our annual Family picnic on June 3 at La Canne Park (see inside for more details)

        Watch for the ECFE fall 2008 registration dates in the Community Education catalogue in early August and have a wonderful summer!

Just for Babies and Toddlers
Non-separating classes
Baby and Me
Babies sure bring joy and big changes to families. Join us for a weekly class for infants, 0-12 months, to explore topics relating to those bundles of joy! This is a relaxing class that also brings you information. You can ask all your baby questions and we'll also explore current philosophies on infant growth. We'll sing songs and have baby play time. Sibling care is available, please request with registration.
1-2:30 PM    NOTE TIME!
Parent Education Room 103

Using a Baby Sling
ECFE and Baby Connections are teaming up to bring you a hands on class for using your Baby Sling. Moms and dads who are experts at using slings will show us how to put slings on and position them for babies for different ages. You will get hands-on help for getting the sling to feel safe and comfortable for you and your baby. Come with or without your own sling.
To register for this free class, call the ECFE office at 494-0913.
Limited sibling care is available, please request when registering.
4-5 PM
Parent Education Room 103

Bearly Toddler
This class suits the "new" toddler, who is between 12-24 months of age. Age appropriate activities and circle time are part of the morning as children become familiar with the early childhood room. A brief parent discussion will take place, as the children play in the room. Parents and children do not separate in this class.
8:30-10 AM
Early Childhood Room 106

Toadally Two's
Two's are terrific! As your toddler rapidly grows, changes, and tries new things, ECFE staff is ready to support toddlers and parents with a fun learning environment. Parent and child activities and circle time will start the class. A parent discussion period gives toddlers the opportunity to practice separating from parents as they build trust in our ECFE staff and play areas.
10:15-11:45 AM
Early Childhood Room 106

Toddler Gym Night
Do you have a toddler who needs to run off extra energy? Toddler gym time lets your child climb, jump, play ball, and lots more. Parents and toddlers, 12-23 months, are invited to drop in for an evening of active play. Just drop in, no registration is required. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for your toddler.
5:30-7 PM
4/8/08, 4/22/08, 5/13/08, 5/27/08
Early Childhood Gym Room 107

Topics for all ages
Separating Classes
Screamfree Parenting    
Screamfree parenting is not just about lowering your voice. It's about learning to calm your emotional reactions and learning to focus on your own behavior to benefit your children. "Screamfree Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool" by Hal Edward Runkel
9-11 AM
Early Childhood Room 106
9-11 AM
Early Childhood Room 106
5:30-7:30 PM
Early Childhood Room 106

Although saying NO to your child is obviously important, many parents still have a hard time following through - even when they know they should. Join the movement and learn more about saying Yes to NO. "No: Why Kids – of All Ages- Need to Hear It and Ways Parents Can Say It "by Dr. David Walsh
9-11 AM
Early Childhood Room 106

Parenting Well in a Media Age      NEW
This class will articulate the challenges of parenting in our depersonalized society. The book challenges parents to tap into your will of wisdom and search for alternatives for parents wanting to maintain the humanity of our children and the integrity of our culture.
"Parenting Well in a Media Age; Keeping Our Kids Human by Gloria DeGaetano.
Noon – 2 PM
Early Childhood Room 106

Raising Your Spirited Child
The work that distinguishes spirited children from other children is "more". "More" intense, persistent, sensitive, perceptive, and uncomfortable with change. These children can scream for 45 minutes because their toast had been cut in triangles when they were expecting rectangles. Sound familiar? Come join us for a class based on the book "Raising your Spirited Child", by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka.
Our motto will be: PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION.
9-11 AM
Early Childhood Room 106

Daddy and Me    
This class is for children 14 months to Kindergarten and their dad's. Each class will include music, games, story time, fun learning experiences, and the gym. This class will meet once a week! Class registration and fee are required.
6-7:30 PM
Early Childhood Room 106

ELL Family School
A parenting and English class for immigrants and refugee adults and their preschool children. Parent-child time, parenting education, English and early childhood education is included in this learning school. There is also a home-visiting opportunity for participants in Family School that includes literacy activities, books, and one-on-one learning. Transportation assistance is available. Classes are on-going throughout the school year. Call Anne Hayes at 494-0919 for more information or to register.
12-2 PM
Early Childhood Room 106

Drop – In Play Group
What a wonderful opportunity for you and your child! Come and explore new toys, the zoom room, and other fun activities with the ECFE staff. This class meets weekly and no registration is required. As spring approaches, please dress your child for outside and inside activities. Please note the last day of drop-in.
12:30-2:30 PM
Early Childhood Room 106

Moms Supporting Moms
This is a group for moms of all ages and life experiences. Moms attend with their children and learn different parenting strategies, meet new friends and improve their self nurturing skills in a supportive environment. Moms Group will meet the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Children up to age 8 can attend with their moms. Activities are planned for the different ages of children. If you have special transportation or child care needs, please call Deb at 494-0950. The Moms Supporting Moms class is a collaborative between ECFE and Family Based Services with additional funding from the Winona Collaborative.

Teen Parenting at the WALC and WSHS
Parent education, prenatal education, parent-child activities and support for adolescent and expecting parents at the Winona Area Learning Center and Winona Senior High School. Contact Ann Riebel at 494-1460 for more information about the Teen Parent Program that is on going through out the school year.

Community Parenting
This class is ECFE parenting on wheels! Are you interested in a parenting class at your work setting, child care center, preschool or organization? Contact Katy Smith, Parent Educator, at 494-0920 for more information.

Library Corner
(Put this on any page)
Library Corner
ECFE Children Book Picks!
Fruit by Sara Anderson
Vegetables by Sara Anderson
Mother Goose Numbers on the Loose by Leo and Diane Dillon
First the Egg by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
My Grandma/Mi Abuelita, by Ginger Fogleson Guy
I Love My Pirate Papa by Laura Leuck
The Princess and the Pea by Rachel Isadora
Vulture View by April Puelley Sayre

If you are looking for a child friendly place to spend time on a hot summer day, try the Winona Public Library at 151 W. 5th Street.
Through April Story Hour is Tuesdays:  10-10:20 Lap sit (babies and toddlers) and
10:30-11 Preschoolers (3-5 year olds).
For more information regarding the summer schedule call the Winona Public Library at 452-4592

Family Fun Day
Come Celebrate the Week of the Young Child
Saturday, April 12
10 AM – 12:30 PM
Winona Senior High Concourse
901 Gilmore Ave
Winona MN

Kid's Activities, Story Telling, Food, and More...

Brought to you by Americorps, ECFE, Head Start, WSU Maxwell Children's Center, Winona County Day Care Providers, Winona Early Childhood Initiative, Winona Senior High School National Honor Society

ECFE PTA Special Events
Thank you to everyone who helped make this year's ECFE PTA Sock Hop such a success!!! (please box this on the PTA page)

ECFE PTA 2007-2008
Officers: Kim Hancock, President, Laura Loos, Vice-President, Meg Richtman, Secretary
Tina Smeby, Treasurer
Members: Laura Bucknam, Jaymi Gomez, Jenah Hensel, Jill Krase, Polly Maki, Kesala Morrell, Erica Ping, Julie Reed, Amy & Byron Schmidt, Samantha Wagner, and Jerry Windley-Daoust
Term 4 meeting dates:
4/10/08, 5/8/08
New members are welcome at any time! (Linda please highlight this sentence)
Would you like to know more about the ECFE PTA? Looking for a volunteer opportunity that contributes to the quality of life for families with young children in our community? Join us on the second Thursday of the month at 6 PM. Child care is available. Please call 494-0913 if you have questions or would like to volunteer.

PTA Sponsored Events Include:
*Family Field Trips
*Guest Speakers
*Family Gym Nights
*Family Sock Hop
*Family Events Newsletter
Look for more information about the ECFE PTA Summer (Linda could you hi-light summer for us? )Special Events on

PTA Special Event
Making Children's Food Healthy
This class will be based on the book" Deceptively Delicious". Julie Reed, mother of two, co-op deli manager and ECFE PTA member would like to share her ideas with you about how to make some of your children's favorites more healthful and mealtimes less of a battle. Be prepared to taste the samples and take recipes home with you. Limited child care will be available. Please register on the ECFE registration form.  
Class fee $5 per family
April 7
6 PM -7:30 PM
Parent Education Room 103

PTA Field Trip
May 10th, 2008
10:00 am
·        Explore the nature center
·        Hike the walking trails
·        1 hour Naturalist program provided by Hixon Forest staff
Bring a lunch to enjoy at the picnic area while visiting with other families.
Hwy 16 (2702 Quarry Rd.)
La Crosse, WI
If you would like to follow others, please meet at Goodview Elementary by 9:15.
$1.50 per child, Parents are free
Pay at the door
Registration required by May 1st
Sign-up by calling 494-0916
Call Stephanie at 494-0916 or
Laura at 474-0132.

ECFE Family Picnic
Tuesday June 3, 2008
5:30-7:30 PM
You are invited to our end of the year family picnic at La Canne Park. This is a great opportunity to enjoy time with your children and other ECFE families.
Suggested dishes to pass:
(last name starting with) A-F dessert, G-K side dish, L-Z main dish
Bring your own tableware and beverages.
No Registration Required
La Canne Park
Hwy 61

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This site is for you if you're a parent, grandparent, professional, or community member who wants to support Winona's youngest citizens--kids ages 0-5.