Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Is summer really almost over?

My mom always said that she saw summer as a big weekend; June was Friday night, July was Saturday, and August was Sunday. We're almost to Sunday already. Target's back to school area is filled with school supplies and we are already digging our school backpacks out of the closet. But, don't pack the swim suits away yet! Summer programs are winding down, and your back yard may be getting a little tired. You might be out of ideas for activities or getting a little bored, but this might be the perfect time to head out and try something you have been putting off.
Here are a couple options you may never have thought of or tried, and they are all within a few minutes of the Winona area:

-Check out our fantastic Aquatic Center or hit LaCanne Park's beach.
-Hike up to the Sugar Loaf. (Its not that hard, really!)
-Check out Garvin Heights. (For the less adventurous.)
-Try spelunking at Mystery Cave or Niagara Cave, both easily doable with small kids.
-Head to Pepin, WI and hunt down the "Little House in the Big Woods" Laura Ingalls Wilder wayside rest.
-On your way back, stop by the Nelson Cheese Factory for some gourmet cheese and a delicious scoop of ice cream. Yum!
-Speaking of ice cream, when was the last time you went to The Penguin Zesto or Lakeview Drive in?
-Or how about walking to Bloedow's for a sweet treat?
-Head on down to WSU. Did you know they have a koi pond and several fountains including a children's fountain? They have lots of lush grass to frolic on, too. Head to Mugby Junction on Huff Street for frozen hot chocolate or a frappe for a treat when you're done.
-Check out Levee Park.
-Check out Windom Park.
-Go to Lanesboro and head down their fantastic bike trails for some fun.
-Or just bike around our lake!
-For a special night out, head to the Trempealeau Hotel for one of their famous walnut burgers and enjoy the trains that roll by.
-Take a short trip up Hwy. 61 to Kellogg. Take a spin on the HAND CARVED carousel and check out their toys and toy museum!

So there are a few more ideas for you. Now get out there and make the most of the rest of the summer!

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This site is for you if you're a parent, grandparent, professional, or community member who wants to support Winona's youngest citizens--kids ages 0-5.