Saturday, September 5, 2009

Jinx Kid's Jitters- Some Last Minute Tips on Getting Ready for School

-Check out your school's website. If your child is attending Winona Public Schools, that website is:

-Visit your school before school starts.

-Set up a few playtimes at the school playground.

-Create a routine for your child at home to help get your child in the habit of following directions.

-Meet your child's teacher.

-Establish a "goodbye" routine with your child so they know what to expect when you leave them the first day!

-Read books about the first day of school.

-Take pictures of the classroom, teacher, playground, office, and the front of the building to review before school starts.

Happy Last Weekend of Summer!

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This site is for you if you're a parent, grandparent, professional, or community member who wants to support Winona's youngest citizens--kids ages 0-5.