Monday, October 19, 2009
Flippin' for Books!
4th Annual Flippin' for Books Family Literacy & Wellness Fair!
This fun, all free event is Saturday, November 14th from 8:30-11:30am at the Winona Senior High Concourse.
Highlights include a free pancake breakfast from 8:30-10am, storytelling (local storytellers include Miss Winona, Jo & Les Hittner, Ms. Lezlea & more), puppets (the Wenonah Players will be performing interactive puppet shows), gym activities, resource booths with preschool/childcare info, parent/family resource info, & healthcare info; crafts & activities (the Build-a-Book station is back!).
Every child leaves with a new book to keep!
Sponsored by the Winona Early Childhood Initiative, Winona Public Library, Winona Area Public Schools, Winona YMCA, MN Marine Art Museum, and SEMCAC HeadStart.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Its That Time Again...
Time for Parent's Night Out! School is back in session, the kids are getting back into a routine, but when was the last time you thought about yourself? Well, Parent's Night Out helps you do just that! Whether you want a little time to yourself, want to hang out with your sweetie, or just need some extra time to get a few things done, this is for you! Drop the kids off for a night of fun, for all parties involved!
Who: Open to all kids from birth through 5th grade
What: For Parent's Night Out, of course!
When: Saturday, September 26 from 6-8:38p
Where: Community Bible Church (69 E 3rd Street)
For more information call 507-454-3703
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Jinx Kid's Jitters- Some Last Minute Tips on Getting Ready for School
-Visit your school before school starts.
-Set up a few playtimes at the school playground.
-Create a routine for your child at home to help get your child in the habit of following directions.
-Meet your child's teacher.
-Establish a "goodbye" routine with your child so they know what to expect when you leave them the first day!
-Read books about the first day of school.
-Take pictures of the classroom, teacher, playground, office, and the front of the building to review before school starts.
Happy Last Weekend of Summer!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Getting Ready for Kindergarten!
I remember my first day of kindergarten... The school was so big, the faces new... I had no idea what to expect. How would I know for sure that the teachers wouldn't loose me? Would I remember my bus? Would my bus driver miss my stop or forget the way to my house? Would the other kids like me? It is funny, now as an adult, these things seem so silly, in fact, I have since visited my elementary school and it seems so small. But for the first-timers, the whole experience is scary.
I wanted to find out firsthand the ways we as parents can help our soon-to-be kindergartners prepare for school. I spoke with Maria Langowski who is the kindergarten teacher at Central Elementary School. She has been teaching for several years and had a lot of really great advice, not only about helping our 5 year olds feel secure in this new adventure, but ways we can help them be prepared academically.
-First off, its a really great idea to visit the school where your child will attend and meet their teacher. This helps little kids know not only WHERE they will attend school, but WHO will be filling the new role of educator/parent/friend when they are not with you. Then, talk about the experience. Where are the bathrooms? Who can you ask for help? Where's the lunchroom? What will the routine of the day look like?
-The next bit of advice she gave me was something I had never thought of. In the days leading up to school, announce the school schedule as you go through the day. Say, "Its 7:45! This is when your school day starts!" Or, "Do you know that at 10:30 you'll have gym class?" And finally, "Its 2:10, and I'll be waiting outside the front door of your school to pick you up."
-Drive the bus routes or walk the route to school several times.
-Ask the school secretary for a list of other children in your child's class. Set up a play date with another child so your kindergartner will see a familiar face on the first day of school.
-Our summer schedules are full of late nights and relaxed mornings, however, this isn't quite how the school year goes! If you haven't started going to bed earlier and getting back into a routine, do it now!
-Stress reading! Reading is such a vital part of school and is a basic academic building block. Maria suggests reading 15 minutes a day with your child and encouraging "pretend reading," where your child "reads" to you by making up stories from the pictures in the books. If you show that you are interested in reading, your child will see that it is important for him too.
-Work with them in name writing, if you haven't started already. Make sure only the first letter is capitalized!
-Think about life with math on the brain. I myself am not a fan of math, however, the most algebra illiterate such as myself will be able to count the number of blocks to the grocery store, the amount of trees in the front yard, or how many steps it takes to get from the Target entrance to the toy section!
-Children will need to become more independent over the first year of school so make sure they have good bathroom habits, can tie shoes, and zip zippers on their backpacks. Have them help out with setting the table, cooking dinner or making cookies, (Come to think of it, you just might use math in this situation too...) or help dad with yard work. All of this will promote independence and and sense of ownership.
-And last but not least, reassure kids that they will have fun! We have tried to stress this to our about-to-be kindergartner, but it didn't really sink in until his uncle told him that he had a BLAST in kindergarten. And that's all he's been talking about since!
If you need more tips, don't hesitate to talk to your child's teacher, or ask the school secretary if you can borrow a copy of their school-readiness video. It was produced by our very own school system, so there will be familiar faces and places on the video.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
creekside community playground
Last week I had the privilege to check out the new Creekside Community Playground in Rushford. Now, I understand that this blog is about things to do in our beloved WINONA, but hear me out, Rushford really isn't that far away from Winona. And I know your kids are going bonkers. Its almost the end of summer.
School supplies: purchased.
School shoes: waiting by the front door.
Aquatic Center: getting a little tired.
First day of school: can't come quick enough.
When a friend of mine suggested we take the kids to Creekside Community Playground in Rushford for a picnic, I was excited to get out of town, but wondering what the fuss was all about. I was pleasantly surprised. Apart from the fact that the weather could not have been more perfect the day we decided to go, the drive is short and gorgeous, and this park is brand new. And best of all, there is not ONE OUNCE of the dreaded pea gravel that plagues many parks in Winona. That is reason enough for me to travel to Seattle to play.
This park is not only brand new, but was built by the community of Rushford after their small town literally became an attraction akin to those at the Shedd Aquarium. The word on the street is that the children of Rushford helped to redesign it. And they did a pretty good job. There are lots and lots of play structures to play on, all quite safe, and many shady or sunny places to sit and watch the kids play. There are lots of different places to have a picnic; tables galore.
After us moms had talked ourselves out, and the kids had played till their heart's content, we scooted over to the Creamery for scoops of delicious ice cream. The Creamery might not be as schnazzy as a Coldstone, but the ice cream was yummy, the service was super, and the price was just right. (You can also get pizza there, but we opted for a picnic in the park.)
For a fun "summer's almost over" outing, head over to Rushford and check out their Park. You won't be dissapointed!
To get there, hop on 90 and take the Rushford exit. After a short drive, the park is about the first thing you'll see on the left. (How's that for some small town directions?)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Children's Festival
Monday, August 10, 2009
Canoe Crazy Family Festival
In addition to seven craft activities, face painting, lunch and more- Wenonah Canoe will be there with over 15 canoes to allow families the opportunity to try out canoeing on the Mississippi River!
Hope to see you all there!
Please visit for more info!
ecfe fall term!
there are so many exciting opportunities to get involved in; too many to list here! look for your community education catalog in your mail box within the next few days. if its not there or you're not on their mailing list, swing on by the community education office located in central elementary (that's at 317 market street. you'll have to swing by bloedow's as long as you're so close.) the community education office will be happy to help you out and they have bunches of catalogs, just waiting to be taken home.
once you have your catalog, and want to enroll or just want a little more information, give glenda a call at 507-494-0913. but hurry, registration closes at noon on august 24th.
see you at class!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Is summer really almost over?
Here are a couple options you may never have thought of or tried, and they are all within a few minutes of the Winona area:
-Check out our fantastic Aquatic Center or hit LaCanne Park's beach.
-Hike up to the Sugar Loaf. (Its not that hard, really!)
-Check out Garvin Heights. (For the less adventurous.)
-Try spelunking at Mystery Cave or Niagara Cave, both easily doable with small kids.
-Head to Pepin, WI and hunt down the "Little House in the Big Woods" Laura Ingalls Wilder wayside rest.
-On your way back, stop by the Nelson Cheese Factory for some gourmet cheese and a delicious scoop of ice cream. Yum!
-Speaking of ice cream, when was the last time you went to The Penguin Zesto or Lakeview Drive in?
-Or how about walking to Bloedow's for a sweet treat?
-Head on down to WSU. Did you know they have a koi pond and several fountains including a children's fountain? They have lots of lush grass to frolic on, too. Head to Mugby Junction on Huff Street for frozen hot chocolate or a frappe for a treat when you're done.
-Check out Levee Park.
-Check out Windom Park.
-Go to Lanesboro and head down their fantastic bike trails for some fun.
-Or just bike around our lake!
-For a special night out, head to the Trempealeau Hotel for one of their famous walnut burgers and enjoy the trains that roll by.
-Take a short trip up Hwy. 61 to Kellogg. Take a spin on the HAND CARVED carousel and check out their toys and toy museum!
So there are a few more ideas for you. Now get out there and make the most of the rest of the summer!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Parent's Night Out
Have you ever seen signs for Parent's Night Out around our community and wondered what the heck it is? Have you heard about it at ECFE and thought a free night out sounded good but were a little nervous to try it out? Or are you saying to yourself right now, Parent's Night Out?! Yes, please! Where do I sign up? Well, have no fear, and no need to sign up! I decided to get to the bottom of it and find out what Parent's Night Out is myself.
Parent's Night Out is a free (yes, free) service to the community provided by Community Bible Church. (They are located at 69 East Third St.) They do this as a simple service to the community because they care about families and children in Winona. They know it can be hard to find time to get away by yourself. It can also be hard to pay a sitter if you do find the time to get out for time away. Hopefully this will help out a little.
I contacted the church and talked to Craig Hensel, one of the pastors there. I asked him a few questions and he was happy to share some of the details of Parent's Night Out.
Who will be watching my kids? Eager adults and child care professionals. We can't wait to have a good time with your kids while you get a break!
Why are you guys doing this? We are passionate about families and children. We know it is difficult to find time for yourself and we want to help make that easier! We want parents to be able to have a free place to send their kids while they spend time together, kindling their marriage relationships or just getting a chance to recharge. You can even go grocery shopping or go home and clean your house if you want to!
Does it cost any money? No! This is a free service for you and your family. If you want to give a donation, though, that’s just fine.
If I give a donation, what will you do with the money? Your gift would help us make sure there are more Parent's Night Out in the future!
You’re a church. Will you “convert” my kid? No, that is not the point of Parent’s Night Out. We simply want to offer a service to the community. However, being that we are a church, your children may be exposed to biblical truths (we may watch a Veggie Tales or sing a bible-based song.)
And finally, what do the kids have to say about all of this? I asked two "regular attenders" of Parent's Night Out and here's what they had to say:
“I love it. And my favorite parts about it are watching Charlie Brown or Veggie Tales. And maybe like the snacks." -A.F. age 5
“I like it because we get to watch a movie and and we get to eat a snack; sometimes my friends from school come. And we get to stay up really late and we get to have fun!" -M.H. age 7
So what's not to love? Take advantage of a night out!
Here are the specifics:
Who: Winona area kids ages birth- 5th grade
What: Parent’s Night Out!
When: Friday July 24th from 6:00p-8:30p
Where: Community Bible Church located at 69 East Third Street
Why: Parent’s Night Out offers free child care at a safe venue with a movie, snacks, games, activities and more for kids while parents enjoy an evening out.
For questions or if you need more info, go to or contact Craig or Michael at 507-454-3703.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Berry Picking!
We didn't have to pick very long until we had over 5 lbs of delicious berries. Even though my two oldest are seven and five, we started the tradition of berry picking when they were much younger. If you've shied away from this activity because you think it might not appeal to a younger child, think again!! As my almost 6 year old helped to fill our boxes, it seemed like just last week when he toddled up the rows at age 2.5, filling his box one berry at a time.
We made our way to the counter to weigh and pay for our strawberries. The total price per pound was $1.15! The 70-something man who helped us was festooned with a colorful plastic lei and Mardi Gras beads. He informed us that he never washes a berry, unless it has dirt on it of course! I asked if these berries are sprayed with pesticides and he said, "No! We spray once before the berries pop out, and that's only for mold." I was happy to hear that!
They also have pick your own raspberries and I asked when they will be ready, he said on Labor Day. (If you want the already picked kind, those are ready the middle of August, our knowledgeable informant told us.)
If you want the strawberries, however, you've got to hurry! We were told that strawberry picking will only last until this Friday.
The Berry Patch is owned by Brian and Becky Kriesel and the number to call for more information is 608-539-5541. Happy berry hunting!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Early Childhood Family Education
ECFE Term 4 classes call for availability 494-0913.
Non-separating classes
Baby and Me
Babies bring joy and great change to a family. This is a weekly class for infants, birth to 12 months, and their parents. We will discuss all your baby questions and explore a parenting book related to infants. Author, Jill Stamm, looks at a simple-science backed way, to nurture your child’s developing mind. This class includes a circle time and sibling care. Please request sibling care with registration.
Parent Education Room 103
Toadally Two’s
Two’s are terrific! As your toddler rapidly grows, changes, and tries new things, ECFE staff is ready to support toddlers and parents with a fun learning environment. Parent and child activities and circle time will start the class. A parent discussion period gives toddlers the opportunity to practice separating from parents as they build trust in our ECFE staff and play areas.
Early Childhood Room 106
Daddy & Me Drop – In
Dads! Looking for a fun time for you and your child? Join other dads and their children for an evening drop - in. Drop - in begins with exciting, fun learning experiences and playtime, and then moves to circle time. Drop - in ends with time in the gym. Open to children ages 14 months to Kindergarten and their dads. No registration required.
Early Childhood Room 106
Drop – In Playgroup
Join our ECFE staff for a fun-filled afternoon. The Early Childhood room and gym are set up with developmentally appropriate activities such as toys, sensory, and art. Spend the time with your child while meeting other families. As the weather continues to get warmer, we will be enjoying our outdoor playground facility. The class meets weekly and is FREE. No registration required.
Early Childhood Room 106
Moms Supporting Moms
This group is for moms of all ages and life experiences. Moms attend with their children and have time to talk about the parenting book” Kids, Parents and Power Struggles” by Mary Sheedy Kurchinka. We will discuss ways to stay connected with your child and understand why your child is misbehaving. The Moms Supporting Moms is a collaboration between ECFE and Family Based Services. Call Ann Riebel at 494-0917 or Family Based Service at 494-0950 if transportation is a concern.
Early Childhood Room 106
Free Family Fun Fair
ECFE PTA Family Field Trip
A Field Trip to the Farm
Josh and Marcie Wolfe Dairy Farm Tour
Smith Farm - Wood fired pizza lunch with music entertainment by “Man Fort”
$20 per family
10 AM - meet at ECFE,
Rain date
Register now - limited to 30 families
$20 fee per family will include farm tour and pizza lunch.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Early Childhood Family Education
Non-separating classes
Baby and Me
Babies bring joy and great change to a family. This is a weekly class for infants, birth to 12 months, and their parents. We will discuss all your baby questions and explore a parenting book related to infants. Author, Jill Stamm, looks at a simple-scienced backed way, to nurture your child’s developing mind. This class includes a circle time and sibling care. Please request sibling care with registration.
Parent Education Room 103
Bearly Toddler
This class suits the “new” toddler, who is between 12-24 months of age. Age appropriate activities and circle time are part of the morning as children become familiar with the early childhood room. A brief parent discussion will take place, as the children play in the room. Parents and children do not separate in this class.
Early Childhood Room 106
Toadally Two’s
Two’s are terrific! As your toddler rapidly grows, changes, and tries new things, ECFE staff is ready to support toddlers and parents with a fun learning environment. Parent and child activities and circle time will start the class. A parent discussion period gives toddlers the opportunity to practice separating from parents as they build trust in our ECFE staff and play areas.
Early Childhood Room 106
Separating Classes
Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?
Winter can be a challenging time for young families. Being cooped up takes a toll on most relationships. This class will pull the best of various sources, as we work towards more harmonious relationships, parent/child, siblings and the significant others in your life.
3/30/09-6/1/09 NO CLASS
Early Childhood Room 106
Family Activism: Empowering Your Community,
Beginning with Family and Friends “NEW”
In our daily family and friendship circles, we experience countless opportunities to empower, inspire, and support positive changes in others. What would happen if we looked at those experiences as the seeds of a bigger, broader change? Family Activism: Empowering Your Community, Beginning with Family and Friends by Roberto Vargas
Early Childhood Room 106 NO CLASS
Early Childhood Room 106
Taking Back Childhood
This book asserts that “one only need to turn on the TV, stroll down the aisles of a toy store, or visit any American elementary school, to witness the formidable social trends that have begun to erode the quality of children’s lives.” This class will take a hopeful look at resisting those social treads. Taking Back Childhood by Nancy Carlsson -Paige
3/30/09-5/18/09 NO CLASS
Early Childhood Room 106
Early Childhood Room 106
Early Childhood Room 106
Daddy & Me Drop – In
Dads! Looking for a fun time for you and your child? Join other dads and their children for an evening drop - in. Drop - in begins with exciting, fun learning experiences and playtime, and then moves to circle time. Drop - in ends with time in the gym. Open to children ages 14 months to Kindergarten and their dads. No registration required.
Early Childhood Room 106
Drop – In Playgroup
Join our ECFE staff for a fun-filled afternoon. The Early Childhood room and gym are set up with developmentally appropriate activities such as toys, sensory, and art. Spend the time with your child while meeting other families. As the weather continues to get warmer, we will be enjoying our outdoor playground facility. The class meets weekly and is FREE. No registration required.
Early Childhood Room 106
Moms Supporting Moms
This group is for moms of all ages and life experiences. Moms attend with their children and have time to talk about the parenting book” Kids, Parents and Power Struggles” by Mary Sheedy Kurchinka. We will discuss ways to stay connected with your child and understand why your child is misbehaving. The Moms Supporting Moms is a collaboration between ECFE and Family Based Services. Call Ann Riebel at 494-0917 or Family Based Service at 494-0950 if transportation is a concern.
Early Childhood Room 106
Early Childhood Room 106
Community Parenting
This class is ECFE parenting on wheels! Are you interested in a parenting class or a one time guest speaking event, at your work setting, child care center, preschool or organization? Contact Katy Smith, Parent Educator, at 494-0920 for more information.
A parenting and English class for immigrants and refugee adults and their preschool children. Parent-child time, parenting education, English and early childhood education is included in this learning school. There is also a home-visiting opportunity for participants in
Teen Parenting at the WALC and WSHS
Parent education, prenatal education, parent-child activities and support for adolescent and expecting parents at the
Free Family Fun Fair
Come Celebrate the Week of the Young Child
Winona Senior High Concourse
Kid's Activities, Story Telling, Gym-filled activities, Food, and More...
Brought to you by WSU Maxwell Children's Center, Providers In Action, Americorps, ECFE, Head Start, Winona Early Childhood Initiative, The Public Library, and The Marina Art Musuem.
Early Childhood Screening
Do you have a three year old? In
Make your appointment today call 494-0900.
ECFE PTA Special Event
ECFE PAC/PTA Sponsored Events include:
*Family Field Trips
*Guest Speakers
*Family Gym Nights
*Family Sock Hop
*Family Events Newsletter
*Family Train Ride
Look for more information about the ECFE PAC/PTA Special Events on
ECFE PTA Family Field Trip
A Field Trip to the Farm
Josh and Marcie Wolfe Dairy Farm Tour
Smith Farm - Wood fired pizza lunch with music entertainment by “Man Fort”
$20 per family
10 AM - meet at ECFE,
Rain date
Register now - limited to 30 families
$20 fee per family will include farm tour and pizza lunch.
Please make a separate check payable to ECFE PTA and include with your field trip registration
Confirmation postcards will be sent with details and directions to the farms.
ECFE Family Picnic
Hwy 61
You are invited to our end of the year family potluck picnic at La Canne Park. This is a great opportunity to enjoy time with your children and other ECFE families.
Suggested dishes to pass:
(last name starting with) A-H main dish, I-Q dessert, R-Z side dish
Bring your own tableware and beverages.
No Registration Required
The ECFE PTA has established a foundation fund in honor of our retired teachers who have worked so selflessly to support the mission of ECFE and by doing so have positively impacted the lives of the families and children who attend our programs.
Donations to the ECFE Foundation will be used to expand and support the number of classes and programs offered by ECFE. Offset program expenditures such as playground equipment and classroom supplies. Support special projects and events. Support children and families in need.
If you are looking for a way to contribute to the mission of ECFE please consider a donation to the ECFE Foundation Fund.
Thank you from the staff, both past and present, and the ECFE PAC/PTA!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friday, February 20, 3:30 pm, Winona City Hall Council Chambers, 207 Lafayette
Leaders of the three budget committees in the legislature have called a series of town hall meetings to gather public feedback on the Governor's budget proposal. These committees decide how budget cuts are spread across state government and whether the state solves this crisis with cuts alone or whether new revenues are part of the solution. The state budget crisis will have a significant impact on the education of our children. Virtually every school district is planning for significant budget cuts for the 2009-2010 school year. It is critical that parents understand what is happening, how decisions are being made and the impact on our children. We must remind legislators that each child has one chance to be a first grader, one chance to be a senior. We must keep this long-term reality in mind as we try to fix a short term crisis. Please, learn what is happening, the proposal on the table for our schools, and let your voice be heard!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Toddler Tuesday is Feb. 10!
Come join us for a fun morning of projects, exploring, and play at the Minnesota Marine Art Museum.
10:30-Noon: Come and Go as you please!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Family Storytelling is this Saturday
Saturday, Jan. 31- 10-11 a.m.
“Reading in a Winter Wonderland”
When you’ve had enough of the icy winter wind, warm up with some winter tales at the Museum. We’ll revisit classic wintertime stories and explore how winter and different kinds of weather influence artists.
See you there!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Tales by Terry ~ Storytelling at Grace Place
Space is limited. Please pick up a free ticket at Grace Place or Midtown Foods to reserve your spot. Bring your ticket to the event and receive a free children's book!
Free Book Giveaway This Friday at the Library, 5:45pm!
Early Childhood Family Education
Check out these ECFE classes for Term 3 that have some availability.
Please call 507-494-0913 for current openings.
Non-separating classes
Baby and Me
Babies bring joy and big change to families. This is a weekly class for infants, birth to 12 months, and parents. We will discuss all your baby questions and explore a parenting book related to infants. Dr. Harvey Karp states he can teach any parent how to transform even the fussiest infant into the happiest baby on the block! We will discuss if his techniques work in the real world. This class also includes circle time and songs for the wee set. Sibling care is available, please request with registration.
The Happiest Baby on the Block, by Harvey Karp, M.D.
Parent Education Room 103
Using a Baby Sling
ECFE and Baby Connections are teaming up to bring you a hands on class for using your Baby Sling. Moms and dads who are experts at using slings will show us how to put slings on and position them for babies for different ages. You will get hands-on help for getting the sling to feel safe and comfortable for you and your baby. Come with or without your own sling.
To register for this free class, call the ECFE office at 494-0913.
Limited sibling care is available, please request when registering.
Parent Education Room 103
Bearly Toddler
This class suits the “new” toddler, who is between 12-24 months of age. Age appropriate activities and circle time are part of the morning as children become familiar with the early childhood room. A brief parent discussion will take place, as the children play in the room. Parents and children do not separate in this class.
Early Childhood Room 106
Back by popular demand! This class will definitely be parent driven. Join other parents as we tackle the one time topics that pop up in class. Some likely topics may include; time outs, teaching children about money, sleep issues and much more.
1/26/09-3/16/09 NO CLASS
Early Childhood Room 106
Taking Back Childhood “NEW”
This new book asserts that “one only need turn on the TV, stroll the aisles of a toy store, or visit any American elementary school to witness the formidable social trends that have begun to erode the quality of children’s lives.” This class will take a hopeful look at resisting those social treads. Taking Back Childhood by Nancy Carlsson -Paige
1/26/09-3/16/09 NO CLASS
Early Childhood Room 106
Early Childhood Room 106
Can’t We All Just Get Along? “NEW”
Winter can be a challenging time for young families. Being cooped up takes a toll on most relationships. This class will pull the best of various sources, as we work towards more harmonious relationships, parent/child, siblings and the significant others in your life.
1/26/09-3/16/09 NO CLASS
Early Childhood Room 106
Early Childhood Room 106
Daddy & Me Drop – In
Dads! Looking for a fun time for you and your child? Join other dads and their children for an evening drop - in. Drop - in begins with exciting, fun learning experiences and playtime, and then moves to circle time. Drop - in ends with time in the gym. Open to children ages 14 months to Kindergarten and their dads. No registration required.
Early Childhood Room 106
Drop – In Playgroup
Join our ECFE staff for a fun-filled afternoon. The Early Childhood room and gym are set up with developmentally appropriate activities such as toys, sensory, and art. The class meets weekly and is FREE. Registration is not required.
Early Childhood Room 106
ECFE PTA Special Events
Third Annual ECFE PTA Sock Hop!
Save the Date!
The PTA presents the third annual ECFE Sock Hop with music by the KookenMeier Family. Dance the night away with your young ones. Come to the Goodview Elementary gym and enjoy music, games, food and good family fun! All proceeds will go to support the ECFE PTA special events.
Tickets at the door: $3/person $12/ family max
ECFE PTA Family Gym Nights
ECFE PTA invites you to come and play with your preschool children!
These gym nights are free and no registration is needed.
PTA members will be available to help and answer your questions.
Note: You are responsible for supervising your children at these events.