Monday, November 26, 2007

Help Us Make a Kid-Friendly Cookbook

Dear friends,

The ECFE PTA is hoping to gather together a collection of recipes that are child-friendly, either those that children like to help cook or those they really like to eat. Quick and easy recipes are also a good bet. Please consider submitting more than one recipe. Our book will include the following sections:

Appetizers and Beverages
Soups and Salads
Side Dishes
Main Dishes
What to Pack for Lunch
Kid-Friendly Cleaning Tips
Craft Recipes
This and That (a catch-all for recipes that don’t fit elsewhere)

The finished book will also include ECFE children’s artwork and will be available for purchase in the early spring.

Please turn in your recipes by Friday, December 14. You can submit recipes and make suggestions by e-mailing Jill Krase jillkrase ~at~ charter . net. (Replace the "~at~ with the
ppropriate keyboard symbol and remove spaces from her address, of course.) You may also pick up recipe forms at the ECFE office at Goodview School.

All recipes should include a title, the name of the person who submitted it, an ingredients list (be sure to include container sizes, e.g., a 16 oz can), and clear directions.

Thanks for contributing to this effort!

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This site is for you if you're a parent, grandparent, professional, or community member who wants to support Winona's youngest citizens--kids ages 0-5.