Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Berry Picking!

Sunday was a lovely, sunny, summer day. We decided to make the most of the afternoon by venturing to The Berry Patch, a quick drive down Highway 54 about halfway between Winona and Galesville, WI. We arrived and picked up our berry boxes, happily marching up and down rows and rows of fragrant strawberry plants. In Swedish, the word for strawberry is "jordgubbe" which literally means "earth fellow." It is hard not to feel a little closer to the earth when you go berry picking, if not a little more aware of how farmers feel when their hard work of planting finally pays off.

We didn't have to pick very long until we had over 5 lbs of delicious berries. Even though my two oldest are seven and five, we started the tradition of berry picking when they were much younger. If you've shied away from this activity because you think it might not appeal to a younger child, think again!! As my almost 6 year old helped to fill our boxes, it seemed like just last week when he toddled up the rows at age 2.5, filling his box one berry at a time.

We made our way to the counter to weigh and pay for our strawberries. The total price per pound was $1.15! The 70-something man who helped us was festooned with a colorful plastic lei and Mardi Gras beads. He informed us that he never washes a berry, unless it has dirt on it of course! I asked if these berries are sprayed with pesticides and he said, "No! We spray once before the berries pop out, and that's only for mold." I was happy to hear that!

They also have pick your own raspberries and I asked when they will be ready, he said on Labor Day. (If you want the already picked kind, those are ready the middle of August, our knowledgeable informant told us.)

If you want the strawberries, however, you've got to hurry! We were told that strawberry picking will only last until this Friday.

The Berry Patch is owned by Brian and Becky Kriesel and the number to call for more information is 608-539-5541. Happy berry hunting!

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This site is for you if you're a parent, grandparent, professional, or community member who wants to support Winona's youngest citizens--kids ages 0-5.